Proxy-Based Assisted History Matching and Well-Spacing Optimization in Shale Gas Field

Proxy-Based Assisted History Matching and Well-Spacing Optimization in Shale Gas Field SimTech EDFM-AI was showed in JPT as a robust workflow to achieve direct optimization results in net present value. Back to press Stay in Touch Sign up for updates.
Huff ‘n’ Puff EOR Proves Effective in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs

Huff ‘n’ Puff EOR Proves Effective in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs SimTech EDFM was highlighted in JPT as an innovative mechanism to model EOR processes in unconventional reservoirs. Back to press Stay in Touch Sign up for updates.
EDFM introduction

EDFM introduction SimTech EDFM was introduced by JPT (August 2019 | Volume 71, Number 8) as a new technology for fractured reservoir modeling and simulating in August 2019. It’s a great honor and incentive to us! Back to press Stay in Touch Sign up for updates.
Tecpetrol visit

Tecpetrol visit We thank Tecpetrol for trusting EDFM technology to support their decision-making process in Vaca Muerta Formation. We would like to thank Tecpetrol representatives for visiting us in Austin, TX all the way from Argentina. It was a pleasure to host you all, and we are so glad we got a chance to review the milestones […]
2023 HFTC

2023 HFTC #HFTC2023 was a success! We wrapped up a 2-day exhibit. Cold days did not stop us making a bustling spot there.Our #EDFM software, #ZFRAC-RE platform provides unique solutions for hydraulic fracturing design, optimization and production evaluation.We are thrived to tailor our services to the clients using our integrated workflow.To learn more about the EDFM technology and our […]