Optimize production by accurate and efficient modeling of fracture systems.

Design, evaluate, and optimize unconventional wells by honoring geological features in an efficient workflow.

Design, evaluate, and optimize unconventional wells by honoring geological features in an efficient workflow.

Design, evaluate, and optimize unconventional wells by honoring geological features in an efficient workflow.
- URSim
Perform reservoir simulation in unconventional reservoirs by using a fast and efficient simulator.

- URSim
Perform reservoir simulation in unconventional reservoirs by using a fast and efficient simulator.

- URSim

Perform reservoir simulation in unconventional reservoirs by using a fast and efficient simulator.

- Thermal-EDFM
Optimize enhanced geothermal systems by honoring natural or induced fracture networks.

- Thermal-EDFM
Optimize enhanced geothermal systems by honoring natural or induced fracture networks.
- Thermal-EDFM

Optimize enhanced geothermal systems by honoring natural or induced fracture networks.
Obtain reservoir insights faster by applying EDFM-AI to reservoir simulation workflows.

Obtain reservoir insights faster by applying EDFM-AI to reservoir simulation workflows.


Obtain reservoir insights faster by applying EDFM-AI to reservoir simulation workflows.