Kamy Sepehrnoori

Senior research advisor

Kamy Sepehrnoori is a professor in the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin where he holds the Texaco Centennial Chair in Petroleum Engineering. His research interests include reservoir simulation, enhanced oil recovery, flow assurance, computational methods, naturally fractured reservoirs, high-performance computing, CO2 sequestration, and geological hydrogen storage. He has published over 600 articles in journals and conference proceedings in his research areas, and also coauthored three books.

Kamy Sepehrnoori

Senior research advisor

Kamy Sepehrnoori is a professor in the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin where he holds the Texaco Centennial Chair in Petroleum Engineering. His research interests include reservoir simulation, enhanced oil recovery, flow assurance, computational methods, naturally fractured reservoirs, high-performance computing, CO2 sequestration, and geological hydrogen storage. He has published over 600 articles in journals and conference proceedings in his research areas, and also coauthored three books.