Vamegh Rasouli
Senior research advisor
Vamegh Rasouli is a professor and department head in the Department of Energy & Petroleum Engineering at University of Wyoming where he holds the LeNorman Endowed Leadership Chair in Petroleum Engineering. Dr. Rasouli has more than 18 years of professional experience, working as a geomechanics consulting engineer for Schlumberger and academic faculty member in Australia and the United States. His research interests include petroleum geomechanics, wellbore stability, and hydraulic fracturing. He received his Ph.D. degree in rock mechanics from Imperial College London

Vamegh Rasouli
Senior research advisor

Vamegh Rasouli is a professor and department head in the Department of Energy & Petroleum Engineering at University of Wyoming where he holds the LeNorman Endowed Leadership Chair in Petroleum Engineering. Dr. Rasouli has more than 18 years of professional experience, working as a geomechanics consulting engineer for Schlumberger and academic faculty member in Australia and the United States. His research interests include petroleum geomechanics, wellbore stability, and hydraulic fracturing. He received his Ph.D. degree in rock mechanics from Imperial College London